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Healthy cooking for your family and the planet

Watch a fun and interactive virtual event, hosted during Earth Week, to hear from two professional chefs on how you can cook delicious meals that are good for both you and the planet.

In celebration of Earth Month, StopWaste invited Chef Rachelle Boucher of Kitchens to Life and Stop Food Waste Partner, Chef Alison Mountford of Ends & Stems to team up to cook a zero-waste and emissions-free meal using seasonal ingredients and induction cooking.

Along the way, they share practical tips for meal shopping, prepping, and storage to reduce wasted food, as well as the incredible health and environmental benefits associated with switching to induction cooktops. 

*For more information about rebates and resources to lower your energy bill, improve indoor air quality, and make your home more comfortable, visit or contact a Home Energy Advisor at (866) 878-6008 or

Additional Recipes

reinvent wrinkly tomatoes into a tasty side dish
Roasted Tomatoes
Yellow pot of soup on stove with wooden spoon sticking out
Beautiful Soup
Fried Rice
Bread Crumbs (Video)
Some veggies and herbs can be easily regrown from scraps.
Regrow from Scraps
Apple-Pear Crumble
Excess ripe fruit and even old preserves can be used to make delicious and healthy popsicles that everyone will love.
Surplus Fruit Popsicles
Mashed potato croquettes are a great way to use up leftovers
Leftover Mashed Potato Croquettes