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Supporting Community Through Food

How we can all support the local essential food organizations that help nourish our community.

Over the years, StopWaste has had the honor of working with community partners and grantees who make sure that good healthy food is making its way to feed people, not being thrown away or even composted. Some partners work directly with suppliers, grocers, and institutions to recover food, while others work in the cross section between health or housing and food. (Find a full list of StopWaste's Food Waste Prevention & Recovery Grants)

Along with taking care in our own kitchens to reduce the amount of food going to waste over the holidays, there are also many ways to support these essential local food organizations this giving season and throughout the year. Whether it's by passing on information for how to get food safely to neighbors in need, purchasing additional food boxes, or donating money, time, or resources, there is a wide range of opportunities to support community food resources.

Below is a short list of links for ways to access food and support local organizations developed during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, though still very much relevant. You will also find a list of organizations that are ensuring that our community is fed; during the holidays and always. The list below is by no means comprehensive.



Alameda County







San Lorenzo

Union City

To learn more about our grantee organizations and partners, please visit StopWaste's previously funded grants page (for food-related work, filter by "Food Waste Prevention & Recovery Grants"), and if you have additional resources or opportunites to share, please send us an email.

* Photo above taken at Hope Collaborative in Oakland, one of StopWaste's 2021 grantees.

Additional Recipes

Reviving Mac & Cheese
Collect all your loose veggies to make a delicious soup everyone will love
All the Vegetables Soup
Excess ripe fruit and even old preserves can be used to make delicious and healthy popsicles that everyone will love.
Surplus Fruit Popsicles
Thanksgiving Sandwich
Quick Jam
Consider making edible gifts that are personal and gentle on the environment
Edible DIY Gifts
Spring pasta that kids love and reduces food waste
Pasta Primavera
Use up the last of your leftovers or bits of ingredients with a Hero Recipe.
Hero Recipes