Some fresh produce is just inherently more enduring than others. We've done some research and provided a short list of these long-lasting items below, along with links to StopFoodWaste tips to make sure they stay fresh as long as possible and have every chance to get eaten up!
Cabbage- Tips for storage
Carrots- Tips for storage, simple pickled carrots, and prepping ready-to-eat snacks for kids
Eggs- Unsure about the expiration date? Learn how to test your eggs to see if they're still good to eat by watching this video
Potatoes - Surprising tips for storage to reduce sprouting, test your knowledge first with this short video
Apples - Tips for storage, keeping sliced snack apples from browning, preserving by making simple dried apples or apple sauce
Squash - Simple storage tips, a great story about Halloween (or anytime) pumpkin curry
Onions and Garlic- Tips for storage
For more information about these, and other long-lasting produce items, visit: